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  • Writer's pictureSusan Thomas

Lucky Gammy

A few weeks ago, I was invited to Sewickley to babysit our granddaughters while Beth and Andrew played in a paddle tournament. Of course I said yes, and I had a grand time with my grandbabies!

I drove Claire to basketball practice (she's the little girl circled above) and I was so proud of the way she can hold her own with all those little boys! Quinn was my tour guide and she knew how to direct me everywhere. After buying our lunch, including Frosties at Wendy's, she was able to guide me to the bakery and toy store. It's so much fun without mommy or daddy along. We had a ball!

I love watching them play; they're so imaginative! We also played many games of Jenga and charades and had time to bake cookies before walking into town to watch their mommy play paddle.

That's Beth in the pink cap. It was pretty cold that day and it snowed in the morning, but they shoveled the snow off the court and played.

Beth and Andrew went to the tournament party, which was Las Vegas themed. Beth made her skirt from decks of cards and Andrew was the Siegfried half of Siegfried and Roy. I thought they looked so cute!

I was proud of Beth's creativity. ❤️

The next weekend I was invited to travel to Orlando with Jaime and Katie to watch Katie swim in the Florida Age Group Championships. Of course I said yes, and I had a grand time watching Katie swim.

Jaime always find very nice Airbnb's and this one was Harry Potter themed. Every wall was painted, some looked like stone walls, some like wood, and some like stucco. Dobby peeped out from behind the drapes, and the door to the bedroom had the Fat Lady from Gryffindor Tower on it. It was truly a fun place to stay!

The Championships were held at The Rosen Aquatic Center, and the pool is huge. I think there were 20 lanes with a diving well at the far end. The swimmers sat on the bleachers on the right and the parents, grandparents, etc. were jammed into the few bleachers in the balcony on the left. The meet lasted for four days. We'd drop Katie off at 7 a.m. and she happily went in to warm up while we went back to the B&B for breakfast.

Katie (on the right) and her friends swam their first event, the 800 Free Relay, on Thursday evening and did great. They swim in the 13-14 age group and I couldn't be more proud of them.

Their coach gave them some last minute pointers. Katie's Gammy was excited to see Katie Sharitz on the score board, and watch her do her best.

We made a quick trip to Disney Market Place and Katie tried on this hat to make me smile. Doesn't she look so cute!

After getting to the pool at 7 a.m. and eating junk food all day Katie was hungry for Sonic, and we filled her up!

So this Gammy had two weekends filled with lots of fun and lots of love. Who could ask for more!

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